Weigh-In 8-5


“Well that’s not what I wanted to see”

I deserved to gain weight this week!

Honestly, I did.

I did not eat the right kinds of food and I also have slacked a little in my workouts because was not making them more challenging.

When you eat food called a garbage plate, you are just asking for trouble.

I ate the most processed foods this past week then i have since the beginning of this year…and that people is why I gained.

This blog is for me to share my journey to become a better me, I don’t think it would have been fair of me to not post the ups and the downs. I post a lot about the good things of weight loss and transformations but that did not come with a lot of hard work and bad times.

Starting weight: 190 lbs

Last Week: 161.2 lbs

Current Weight: 163.8

Total Gain: 2.6 lbs. (ouch)

I deserved it and there is nothing like a slap in the face to keep you going. I really needed that reality check.

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3 thoughts on “Weigh-In 8-5

  1. Meh, it happens. At least you know why. I ate a ton of processed junk today. I deserve a gain, too. Especially after all the ice cream and candy I ate over the weekend. haha

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